
We give the students a multifaceted learning experience within the institution through several committees like:

National Service Scheme (NSS)

About The NSS

The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector Scheme of Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. It provides opportunity to the student youth of 11th & 12th Class of schools at +2 Board level and student youth of Technical Institution, Graduate & Post Graduate at colleges and University level of India to take part in various government led community service activities & programmes. The sole aim of the NSS is to provide hands on experience to young students in delivering community service. Since inception of the NSS in the year 1969, the number of students strength increased from 40,000 to over 3.8 million up to the end of March 2018 students in various universities, colleges and Institutions of higher learning have volunteered to take part in various community service programmes.


To build the youth with the mind and spirit to serve the society and work for the social uplift of the down-trodden masses of our nation as a movement.


“To promote social, economic, technological, and political change in order to expand civilization beyond Earth, to settle space and to use the resulting resources to build a hopeful and prosperous future for humanity.”

Activities undertaken:

National Service Scheme, RVILS conducted an awareness programme in light of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, 2024 on 26th June, 2024 at 1:00 PM. The programme was presided over by Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K. R., Principal, RVILS. During the programme, students delivered speeches regarding the importance of the day and how drug abuse is detrimental to us. An awareness rally was also conducted around the college campus. It was attended by all the students and staff of RVILS./p>

National Service Scheme in association with Legal Services Clinic and Department of Physical Education, RVILS conducted a programme in light of International Yoga Day, 2024 on 21st June, 2024 at 7:30 AM. The programme was led by Mr. Srinivasa S. M., Assistant Director, Department of Physical Education, RVILS and was attended by volunteers of NSS, Legal Services Clinic and others. Ms. Athira L. Raj, student of 8th Semester B.A.,LL.B., who is a certified yoga instructor with 11 years of experience also helped in the smooth functioning of the programme. The programme included a one-hour yoga session and covered various asanas including Pranamasana, Hasta Uttanasana, Padahastana, etc. The session was also attended by the faculty members and other staff of the institution.

NSS Unit and Legal Services Clinic, RV Institute of Legal Studies conducted a programme in light of World Day against Child Labour on 12th June, 2024. The programme was attended by all members of the NSS and Legal Services Clinic and was presided by Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., Principal, RVILS. Students spoke about the various issues revolving around child labour and few educational videos were also presented to the audience. A pledge was also undertaken by the students and staff to help in the eradication of child labour and promoting the best interests of children.

RV Institute of Legal Studies conducted a 7 day NSS Special Camp from 27-05-2024 to 02-06-2024 at Thattaguppe Village,Taralu Grama Panchayat, Bengaluru in cooperation with Navajyothi High School, Thattaguppe.

The camp was attended by 47 students and 3 members of the NSS Committee. Inauguration of the programme was conducted on 27-05-2024 in the presence of the Manager of Navajyothi High School, Rev. Fr. A. Thomas and the Principal of Navajyothi High School, Thattaguppe, Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., Principal, RVILS, members of NSS and other faculty members.

The various initiatives undertaken during the camp included:

  • Cleaning of the premises in and around the school
  • Awareness rally in Thattaguppe village on "Say NO to Plastic and Save the Environment." On account of this, rally cloth bags were also distributed to the school children.
  • Various Cultural activities including skit, dance, etc.
  • " World No-Tobacco Day" celebration by conducting an awareness rally on World No-Tobacco Day, 31-05-2024.
  • Participated in the surveying and completion of the Legal Literacy programme

    On 02.06.2024, the valedictory programme was conducted in the presence of Principal of Navajyothi High School, Thattaguppe, & Principal of RVILS and NSS members and other faculty members.

The NSS Unit of RVILS conducted National Voters’ Day Pledge on 25th January, 2024 for all the students. The voters’ pledge was delivered by Mr. Bharath K.M., NSS Programme Officer. The event was presided over by Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., Principal, RVILS.

Samvidhana Jagruthi Jatha was organized by the NSS Unit of RVILS on 22nd February, 2024 on the occasion of Constitution Awareness Day to celebrate the essence of our Constitution. This Jatha aims to spread awareness about the significance of our constitution and its enduring values.

Bangalore Political Action Committee (B.PAC) in association with NSS Unit of RVILS conducted Voters Awareness Forum, Voter Registration Drive through the Voter Helpline App on 12th March, 2024. The Guest Speakers for the event were Mr. Anand Theertha, Member, B.PAC and Mr. Raghavendra H.S., Program Head, B.PAC. The event was presided by Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., Principal, RVILS.

On the occasion of “National Youth Day”, the NSS Unit and Youth Red Cross Society of RVILS in association with Lions Blood Centre, Wilson Garden organized Free Blood Donation Camp and Eye Screening on 13th January, 2024. The Chief Guest for the event was Dr. Kavyashree N, Nodal Law Officer, Department of Collegiate Education, Bengaluru. The Guest of Honor for the event was Lion V. Ravinder, pmjf, Additional District Cabinet Secretary, District 317A. The event was presided over by Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., Principal of RVILS.

The NSS Unit of RVILS, Bengaluru organized a Seminar on the occasion of "World Day Against Human Trafficking" on 10th August, 2023. The event was presided over by Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., Principal of RVILS. The event was chaired by Dr. Arun S., Assistant Professor of Law at RVILS. An awareness talk was delivered by Ms. Sai Sri Harshitha, student of VI Semester, B.B.A. LL.B.

The NSS Unit of RVILS, Bengaluru organized a seminar on the occasion of “Addiction Free Day-2023” on 11th August, 2023. This event served as a significant platform to raise awareness about addiction, supporting individuals in recovery, and promoting a healthy, addiction-free lifestyle. The day was started as an initiative of Karnataka Government on account of birthday celebrations of Shivayogi Mahantha Swami on 1st August, 2023. The event was presided over by Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., Principal of RVILS and chaired by Mr. P L Visweswara Rao, Superintendent. Mr. Samrat Gowda, student of VIII Semester, B.A. LL.B. spoke about the importance of this day in everybody's lives.

On the occasion of "International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking", the NSS Unit of RVILS conducted an awareness session on 26th June, 2023. The Chief Guest for the awareness session was Mr. Sanjeev G., Police Sub Inspector, Jayanagar Police Station, Bengaluru. The Guest of Honour was Mr. Krishna Naik, Head Constable, Jayanagar Police Station, Bengaluru. The session was presided over by Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., Principal of RVILS.

On the occasion of World Environment Day, the Environment Club of RVILS in association with NSS Unit of RVILS conducted a seminar on "Climate Action and Sustainability: Risks and Opportunity for Law Students". The resource person for the event was Mr. Jai Warrier, Co-Founder, Initiative for Climate Action, Bengaluru. The event was presided over by Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., Principal of RVILS. The guest, principal, students and staff of RVILS also planted saplings as a mark of beginning for a greener future.

On the occasion of "World Blood Donor Day-2023", the NSS Unit of RVILS organized a Free Blood Donation Camp in association with Indian Red Cross Society, Karnataka on 15th June, 2023. The camp was inaugurated by Chief Guest- RTN. Udaykumar Bhaskara, District Governor for 2023-24, R I District - 3191, Guest of Honor - RTN. N.P. Nagendra Babu, Officer Commanding (Warden Services), Karnataka Civil Defence and Guest of Honor- Dr. Srinivas, Medical Officer, Indian Red Cross Society, Karnataka. The presiding officer for the event was Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., Principal of RVILS. Total of 60 students and staff members of RVILS donated blood for a humanitarian cause.


On the occasion of "World Day against Child Labour-2023", the NSS Unit of RVILS organized a documentary screening followed by a discussion session on 12th June, 2023. This combination of screening and discussion served as significant platform to raise awareness on the world day against child labour. It was an effective way to highlight the plight of children engaged in child labour. The session was graced by Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., Principal of RVILS.

On the occasion of "World Food Safety Day", the NSS Unit of RVILS organized a special lecture on the occasion of "World Food Safety Day - 2023" on 7th June, 2023. This event served as a significant platform to raise awareness about the critical issue of food safety and to ensure well-being through safe and nutritious food practices. Mr. Dhruva K of VIII Semester delivered an insightful speech on this occasion.

On the occasion of "World Cycle Day- 2023", the NSS Unit of RVILS organized an awareness rally on 3rd June, 2023. This day is celebrated to spread awareness about the benefits of riding a bicycle - a simple, affordable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transport. Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R., the Principal of RVILS, Mr. Bharath K.M., NSS Programme Officer, RVILS, volunteers of NSS Unit, staff and students of RVILS actively participated in the awareness rally.

On the occasion of "World No Tobacco Day", the NSS Unit of RVILS organized a Two-days' event. A poster-making competition was organized on 26th May, 2023 where students showcased their creativity through thought-provoking posters that depicted the consequences of tobacco use. On 31st May, 2023, the NSS Unit, students and staff of RVILS conducted a rally to spread awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption.

Anti-Terrorism Day is observed annually to honour the memory of the brave souls who lost their lives fighting against terrorism. It serves as a reminder for the importance of upholding peace, harmony and security in our society. The NSS Cell of RVILS had organized an event on "Anti-Terrorism Day, 2023" standing in solidarity against terrorism and took a pledge to work towards a safer future for all.

7 days NSS Special Camp 2022- 2023 was organised by NSS Unit of our Institute at Navajyothi High School, Thattaguppe, Taralu Gram Panchayat, Bangalore South, from 03-03- 2023 to 09-03-2023. Mr. Bharath K.M., Asst Prof. of Political Science and NSS Programme Officer and 31 student volunteers enthusiastically participated in the successful conduct of NSS activities at the school. Students cleaned the school and village surroundings, enacted street plays concerning human rights and conducted classes on legal awareness etc. The volunteers also conducted a survey of 600 households at the village.

26th June is celebrated as ‘International Drug Awareness Day’ across the world, in line with this, an event called “AAROHAN Steps’ an initiative by ‘M’ Square events in association with Karnataka State Excise Department and National Service Scheme with Youth Empowerment and Sports Department-Government of Karnataka organized a mega walkathon event in Sri Kanteerava outdoor stadium on26thJune2022,Sunday.The students and members of the NSS cell of RV Institute of Legal Studies actively participated in this event and joined in creating awareness against Drug abuse.